
A before and after of a corner of our basement.

A BIG thank you to my father-in-law for this wonderful housewarming gift!!

We have been moving in stages into our new home.  While we were doing some work in the house, we moved some of our stuff into the garage.  I called this Phase 1.  When we moved from Sea Cliff to the church, we packed a lot of our stuff and stored it in the basement because we didn’t have the room for it.  Once we bought the house, we pulled everything out, sorted through it once again, got rid of what we didn’t want and moved the rest to the garage.

Saturday was what I call Phase 2 of our moving.  Phase 2 consisted of moving US into the house: our clothes, our kitchen and anything we need for daily living.  For instance, today we are back at the church where our tv is so that Juan can watch Nascar.  While he is watching, I am packing up the rest of the kitchen to take home later.  We have not couch, tv, table, etc at our new house.  That will all come in Phase 3.

In the meantime, till we are ready for Phase 3, we will move what furniture we can in our car here and there.  When we are ready for the final move, we will hire a piano mover to (obviously) move our piano plus a few other pieces.  Though it’s a bit dragged out, I am still so very excited to be in our new home officially.  I am so very thankful for this wonderful blessing from God.

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